The following people and organizations have made contributions. ROOF fundraising ended on May 6, 2011, but donations are still welcome.
The donor is listed first. For some donors, a personal name or organization name is included in parentheses for identification purposes.
Founding Sponsor
Phelps County Bank
$10,000 to $24,999
SRC Holdings (Jack Stack)
Sandra Green
$5,000 to $9,999
Chang, Ruthenberg & Long, PC
The Foundation for Enterprise Development
Bill & Bonnie Pickens
Prairie Capital Advisors (Ken Serwinski and Robert Gross)
Michael Quarrey
Robert W. Smiley, Jr. (Benefit Capital Companies Inc.)
Cecil Ursprung
Web Industries Inc.
$2,000 to $4,999
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Chris Copple
Nancy Dittmer (McGladrey)
Norse Solutions (Arne Peder-Blix)
Principal Financial Group
Restif Cleaning Service Coop
$1,000 to $1,999
The employee-owners of Carris Reels Inc.
Reflexite Corporation
Victor Aspengren (McGladrey)
BL Companies (Richard Orr)
Jude Anne Carluccio
ComStock Advisors
Kelly Finnell (Executive Financial Services, Inc.)
Ron Gilbert (ESOP Services)
Vicki Graft (BKD Wealth Advisors)
Great Game of Business
GreatBanc Trust Company
Sharon Hearn (Krieg DeVault)
Mary Josephs (Verit Advisors)
Jared Kaplan (McDermott Will & Emery)
The employee-owners of King Arthur Flour
The employee-owners of Lewis Tree Service, Inc.
Ronald L. Ludwig
Tony Mathews
John Miscione
Moss Adams LLP
OptionEase, Inc. (Kim Kovacs)
Roger D. Ryberg (Windings, Inc.)
Scot Forge Company
Sid Scott (Woodward Communications, retired; Scott Consultants)
Stephen Smith (Krieg DeVault)
Swerdlin & Company
Alan Taylor (BKD)
Woodward Communications
Up to $1,000
Rich Armstrong (Great Game of Business)
Prof. Joseph Blasi (Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations)
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates
Boylan, Brown, Code, Vigdor & Wilson (Robert Brown, Robert Schatz, Richard Glassman)
Bruce Brumberg (myStockOptions.com and myNQDC.com)
Centerpoint Advisors
Elizabeth Dodge (Stock & Option Solutions)
Lisa Durham (Krieg DeVault)
Janet Edmusonson
Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. (Daniel N. Janich)
Mike Hartman
Paul Horn (WorkPlace Consultants)
Judy Kornfeld (ESOP Economics)
Paul Lindemann (Krieg DeVault)
Dan Marcue (Woodward Communications)
Bill McIntyre
Becky Miller
Deborah C. NcNear (Krieg DeVault)
Karen Needham (Charles Schwab)
Praxis Consulting Group
Cindy Prodoehl
Peter Prodoehl
Hugh Reynolds
The employee owners of Kindermusik International
Tom Roback (Blue Ridge ESOP Associates)
Randy Rowland
Jim Schuett
Randolph R. Smith, Jr. (Krieg DeVault)
Jim Steiker (SES Advisors)
Jack Veale (PTCFO)
The Employee Owners of Woodfold Manufacturing